flaaaaavor flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav
C: C: C:
that is cool [IMG]
can you download it from limewire D:?
why does everyone say that!! screen tees & graphic tees are out!! thats all guys wore when i was in middle school. i cant stand shirts with...
video chat cam for xbox sex = 40$ get it :d oh and i got the chat pad like 2 weeks ago it is better than a keyboard c:
mario kart 64 banjo tooie goemon's great adventure pokemon ruby version zelda wind waker
look at her legs ... [IMG]
can i join now :[
they all look emo :l
i hated uma in kill bill :/ shes the reason why i didnt watch it. doesnt she look like madonna? and thats not a good thing
omg -_-
U Made It!!!!
delete your message! i want to be the first one to say omg u made it
omg u did it 1700!!!
i remember when i called 1 800 for my xbox or whatever its called and i asked this lady if i could change my gametag and she said no so i hung up...
blackout because its my favorite and me and my friends found alot of special jumps on it
i cant send u a visitor message :d
i like the black hoodie though :/ kind of