the walls. You just spawn inside a box, that's it. I lol'd a little.
Melee in ranked. Because I'm a noob. 309, the next one under is AR, 217 BR in social. 796, next under is melee, 689 Edit: just ran query...
My first halo 2 map was Zanzibar, and me and a few friends drove around a warthog shooting a the walls for a few hours, amazed at the interactive...
Thanks guys for all the comments!
I've learned to move the object I'm holding away from other objects before deleting anything. The A button has gotten me more though.
weaponds? awesome. I'm downloading because 'befour' you said 'weaponds'.
Sup Tork? Welcome to forgehub. Post some maps, learn some new techniques, and have some super awesome fun fun fun funnn.
Wow, thanks matty. +rep. And yes, Jebus, those are the windows.
I think titmar just got an A+ But I am a susseptible person. It was not funny.
The open are looks too open, I don't see any interlocking (it could need it), and the map looks a little sloppy. How about a description of the...
Sorry, I honestly would love to see your map, but happen to not be on your home network (only for a while mwhaha), so therfore I cannot see your...
I have a suggestion: map of the week. One map per section (Competitive, etc). I've worked on one other newsletter, and can provide an actual...
Looks very nice, but would be even more awesome if you could go inside. If you can go inside I will download.
U c4n s3t maximum mnt 0f kilz?????///// OMFG
dear GOD. I am amazed at the turns.
photoshop works best for copying sizes, etc. Uhm, I don't plan my maps. I just do them.
I stared at it for 2 minutes. My eyes hurt, and my hand didn't move at all on it's own accord.
Where do I register?
I might add some other tunnels later, but I want to take a break from this and make another map. thannnks WhiteLime.
Personally I like small games, because my connection is mucho shitty. That's why I barely play big team. Team doubles ftw. +rep.