ew it sucks now.
Do you have the original picture?
A signature using a stock from NASA. [IMG] y/n?
I don't know about items, but I can try. I have 300+ money left.
Alright, so a sword FFA, or something of the like. Would you think a expansion to the sides would work well, so now the map is shaped like a plus...
99% of us have xbl... buuuut if anyone really does want to pay the cost for hosting a server, go ahead.
My friend was like "forgehub always has the greatest maps!" and I went here, and here is NOW.
My first photoshop tutorial *blush* Fbu gave me the idea(and how to do it xD), and I am going to explain more in depth than "add a gradient and...
But... what? You're from Texas, k. Waylander was taken... by you I presume (right?).
I'm wondering about flags, bombs, skulls, and grenades, and various other things. Any info on those? Great list though.
I had gotten banned or something from some forum, and I was making a new account (or the old once sounded gay), and the first thing that came to...
I was thinking about adding another story, with stairs, moving the spawn points because almost ALL of the fighting goes on within the tunnels....
Wrong section, as well as the name needs to be changed. Infection type maps go into the casual map section, and the name of the title is only...
I once put a few boxes, deployable covers, and gravs on the edge of rats nest for a hide and seek style cops and robbers game.
H2 zombies was the most fun thing evar. But got really annoying when people without mics would join and would start using weapons as zombies. I...
I like coag a lot because of the non-river aspect and less cliffs/hills, but the 3 story base got annoying. Valhallah maybe, not sure.
"and". Anyways, it's not new, but I don't think anyone really made any kind of tutorial on it. If you want a lot of people to take this...
I was thinking about doing this a week or two ago, and thought about some one making a contest for it. lolwut.
What looks annoying is the long walk back to the elevator if you fall off. Despite that, it looks very clean and well made.