waz up ivory
waz ivory
looks fun hard but fun
not bad its kinda funny but i like it.
i like it and will try it later im downloading it
nice map i like it and am downloading it now
it looks pretty fun but im bored of cops and robbers maps but it looks fun.
I knew it was based on ninja worrior it is awsome im DL-ing it now.
it looks very fun.I'm going to down load soon.
this is a very inventive map id like to see maps like this on h3artificers but i cant cause the site is down rite now.lol
This map is sweet on all levels.lol I like it much.
im working on my oun sig but im lost
It ok i like It is pretty sweet. P.S.Let the force be with you.
your pic are missing half are gone
Its ok i like it
WOW that is what i call forging man that is cool.
mack wher you at
yavi how did you get that background
life is good what about you
It doesn't remind me on NY but it is nice.