ok thanks
how do you post pics on your groups i just made mine and can't find out how to.
was up creep1ng havn't herd from you in awhile
hahaha lol ok then thats pretty funny creeping
long time no see
hay rusty was up
Can i join your group i seen it was invite only
Hay want to join my group?:)
Good to see you to sorry for not talking much but Iv been busy with working and sports.
was up
Hay yavi one more thing i like that back ground how do you get those custom one id like a Naruto one and need to know how to get one.p.s.can i...
was up commandermatt long time no see.
hay was up yavi need to play some time and are you still counted as a staff or retiered staff means retiered.
Nice map i like it and i like the clean look and the size and all i just like the whole thing.
Pretty nice i like how you made it on blackout it is cool and fun i also like where you put it.
This is very nice i love how even this was it was very nice and neat and the flag box was cool.
holy **** it sweet
Hay is it bad to promote a site.
Elite Forgers - Portal Hi ther it's CAMEL ASSASSYN and im just telling every one that here is the link to Fullbash,and My site asking people to...
wat up vorpal