ok ttyl
good... i was wanting to send you a friend request because we removed each other..lol im trying to get ppl to play some costum games if i get...
was up just trying to get old halo friends back to start playing costums again let me know if its cool if i send you a friend request ttyl
waz up just getting some old friends back to try and get some costum games together... i was seeing if i could friend request you later? i havnt...
lol tell me about it, im trying to get back with alot of my old buddy to start playing customs again but your4 the only one on the site lol well i...
what up i just am contacting my old halo friends i lost from not playing halo and wanna know if we can start playing and forging again if so i'll...
sup havnt heard from u in a while im just getting back with my old halo buddies i lost from not playing halo...lol i'll send you a friend request...
i would play custom games but i have the same problem
hey dude havnt talked in a while just seeing if i could put you back on my friends list on live
is it all right if i send you a friend request cause i think i removed you like 6 months ago not thinking...?
sup i havnt heard from you in 4ever we should play halo some time
hey dude was up havnt talked in forever
was up long time no c.wat u been up to.
hay dude figured i'd say waz up man long time no see
sweet back at you
fine ok
Hay adlyss was up
very nice halo story and i like the paged look its pretty cool but i like themap most of all.9.5/10
wtf thats creepy i dont want to be minded to much lol
my site is going good i we still r small but getting 1 or 2 members a month.