Hear, hear, in my last clan we had a few decent to good female members, even one of the founders was female. There are a lot of them lurking...
probably an hour or 10 for some weeks in a row (not only forging though)
I once had this game of griffball (which im not proud of) but I don't get those kind of games, mostly i'm on a steady +10 to +20 but nothing with...
Thanks for the positive replies guys, and like Katanga sais, i placed the court in the colliseum on purpose for the darker atmosphere, and i added...
added, i'm always waiting for players to test maps so this should help a lot.
Yeah pacman has a waypoint and is able to jump (to grab the powerup) both the ghosts and pacman are able to use the teleporters. Pacman has a 10 m...
it drops an exact 0.4 amount. So, set it up .4 higher than you want it and you should be good. Edit, lol double answer (same time)
Pac Man has never been so competative, Ghosts found a way to morph into pacman when he is killed so the game is on. Running on Oddball with...
quick question (i'm just lazy to read all 15 pages again) Mini Games are Allowed, right?
BLam! said the lady, Buck for the win! And i do not recall any time where his voice helped me in any way. So they are purely aesthetic.
Looks good, I guess you are entering the unofficial 5000 budget contest with it. Whenever you finished it I'll play a game on it. Also The...
Welcome New guy, i have a tip for you: Watch out for sky she likes to be intimate with everyone she sees.
I almost never zoom and use my coordinatios a lot (i want my maps to be perfectly symetrical.
ok, thanks for the explanation but that is not how i did the tigerclaw picture, for this is had pen and ink on breakpoint and fired an overcharged...
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, I will continue to work on improving my skills and take all of your tips in mind while doing so....
k thanks that explains it all. I mostly use this without even thinking of it tthough :D
I'm pretty new to the screenshot world, and i always thought sparkles and tigerclaw are too dark. But i have to ask, what is the rule of thirds?
That, my good friend is an illusion. Hemmorhage is cut of earlier than the back of the canyon, around halfway of the right landmass, so your map...
Hey guys, I'm still pretty new to the effects that you can use for screenshots. Feel free to post any critique on my screenshots and preferebly...
Nice, tried almost every one never won :( My latest entry: flashbang