Looks awsome!!! Great interlocking and geomerging!!! [IMG] Get out Bizled!!!
Dude looks good love the map great interlocking and geomerging!!! [IMG] Ima ba11er!
Itz ok but it looks like itz a wanna be amp...... No Offense but................ It does!!!! [IMG] Ur just mad cause im all these...
This map is freakin awsome! I love the freakin interlocking and the geomerging! [IMG] Ur just mad cause im all these things!!! [IMG]
Dude i swear to freakin god your map is a beast! Love the interlocking and geomerging! I give it a 10/5. Ill play MLG customs with you any day!...
[IMG] Dude this is freakin awsome LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Nice MLG map! The interlocking and geimerging is flawless love the map! Great job!!! [IMG] [IMG] LOL!!!
Nice map! The Interlocking and geomerging are flawless!!! My vote 5/5. Very nice work! [IMG]
Dude graet job! Love the way you could put MLG into a forged Santuary nice job! [IMG]
Looks freakin awsome, I love playing custom MLG games and this is another map that I will be playing with my friends. Nice interlocking, like the...
Nice map. Like the interlocking. Great job! [IMG]
Dude looks sweet, love Mlg so you got my DL. Great Job!!!
Yo Nigga Hey add me nigga