Yeah, having seen Treehouse v3 and... something else, forgot the name, on Ghost Town, I expected that this was just another attempt at making a...
Personally, I think you should add some more detail to the ruined part of the map. It looks like a couple shield doors and boxes, you could add...
Love the design of it, and the fact that it's designed for basic games.
It seems unlikely that a ship would crash like that, thanks to gravity. However, the map isn't half bad. The only thing I don't like is the armory...
Reminiscent of a larger version of Tunnel Rats, with more Tunnel. Not bad.
I see what you did there.
No offense, but the changing light from day to dark or dark to day isn't exactly an original idea.
Nice map pack; however, I've seen all of these maps, so it's nothing new to me. Nice picks, of course. The media tags for the video seem to be...
Niiiice, maybe you should try the manta or one of the Necris vehicles (I have trouble remembering the names of them,) the manta is and always will...
Seriously, stop spamming "LOL FRIST POST!!!!1" everywhere. It's annoying.
Love the design of the map and the gametype.
Funny, I just almost played this on Standoff on the Team Snipers Double XP Weekend.. Agreed here, but only when we get more maps made on it.
Downloading now... hopefully this'll be better than the other slayer maps I downloaded today.
I like this map, mostly because it's one of the more balanced types of Infection. The bridge is always what I use to kill my friends when they're...
New here. I've been using this site as a way to download maps for awhile, thought I'd register since I've found a map idea that I'm not going to...