Net neutrality is just another government controlled agreement, I'm sure they'll eventually corrupt it.
Try adding words to awesome words. That's how I made mine.
Welcome to ForgeHub. Please do not forget to read the map standards before posting, when you don't post pics the thread tends to get overly...
Reminds me of the featured map with the four UFOs. Sweet screenshot, I dig the respawn area effect.
Whoa. I wasn't even aware that this is out; I'm going to go watch the first one and the second one right now while I have the time.
I think the mods can change it, but they probably don't on requests. Unless I'm blissfully unaware about some policy.
Most of the achievements require more than 1 person, so they might add talking in-game to this playlist. But they probably won't.
He edited his post so he wouldn't look like a tool. But it's preserved in this thread that he said it. The map looks pretty generic; I don't...
The picture you linked to looks interesting, but there's already plenty of ships on Avalanche, and it looks too much like it would be impossible...
Get Smart looks more like a movie I'd only consider getting on DVD. It's just another upcoming generic comedy to me. For the most part, I plan on...
Generic, but interesting. There doesn't seem to be much cover, however.
This post is ALMOST up to standards. People are going to ask for more pics than the single map guide pic, there's a tutorial here along with the...
Please do not double post, you can just use the edit function to edit your posts so you don't have to post twice. And if you do it on accident,...
I'm sure the ForgeHub community would be more than happy to try out your new maps, so you might as well post them on here, as we don't just skim...
By "regular zombies" do you mean the basic Infection games, or the fast/weak zombie variant that everybody seems to use?
Agreed, especially considering the fact that most people love to see perfectly straight boxes and not anything at a different angle than 180 or...
Notice how these posts are pretty much all at the same time? You can't view posts in the future; you don't exactly know if somebody's going to...
People generally frown upon having more then just the map name on your thread title. Also, it's neccessary that you embed your pictures.