This map is great, it's so professionally put together.
No. He's not a Libertarian. Not at all. Not even close to a minarchist, what with some of his beliefs and ideals.
It's a general woman's right to not have a baby she doesn't want to have. You can't just reject that because it can be considered murder of a...
in b4 he gets banned for saying "WORST MAP EVAR!!1" everywhere
I'm unaware of the existence of the word epitath. Also, looks horribly unbalanced. You could just go behind the teleporter and assassinate the...
I liked this one when you showed me it a lot better than Containment, mostly because of the overall feel. I can definitely see how this is Midship...
It's cool and all, but why are all of the spawns looking at walls?
Stop just posting "GET PICS OMFG" and actually help him. Jesus Christ, you guys are like vultures whenever there's a post like this.
ITT: We post the same thing over and over again.
I love the light idea that you used in the conference room. Well done, you've got my download.
Your link is broken, I recommend removing the multiple http:// from the beginning.
One person. That's all that's necessary. I know you're only trying to be helpful, but texturedlemur was the only person who actually linked to the...
The only problem is that the grav lifts are not on instant respawn. This will lead to spawn camping.
That's why it's a little messy.
wat. It looks fun, but you should try and remove the honor rules somehow. Don't ask me, but having to explain that it's fun if the king doesn't...
True, but it's generally considered that it is REQUIRED to embed those pictures. However - the one picture provided looks excellent, and I'll give...
It's a quick way to increase post count. That's why most people spam it without reading the post.
It's difficult to understand the map and what happens when you activate the switch. Also, please do not double post. There's an "edit" function.
Do you plan on giving them the same "You know I know that you didn't make those maps, right?" message, or are you going to screw with them a little?
I've only received two, from people who don't really visit or other Halo-related websites to understand that this won't get them Recon.