it looks very shmexyful. i really like the surroundind scenery to. ill check it out and tell you wat i tink.
F*ck dow. Its the gameplay that counts and the gameplay ROX! though a V2 with slightly better interlocking and geomerging would be nice.
psssssh borat.
if you say so...... i likem biiiig like dees- ( . ) ( . )
well thats very schanzy 4 u! im going to fiji and ride upon the rainbows of unicorns! see ya later!
ooo i see. well i gotta go have my "happy time" now, if you know what i mean! lol but seriously.
NICE! the gameplay on this is flatout amazing! i cant stop racing with my friends! i love "the huge jump" to.
nuthin much u?
lolololol ma dawwwg wazzup hoooomey?
(.)(.) i like em too!
ooo looks fun. ill dl. though it doesnt look like u put toooo much effort in to i t. ill check it out though.
hehehe :) i hope you likked ma link. i was feeling very naughty! anyways i gotta goooooooooooo now. i bee c'in u latrez ma nuggy nuggy nut poppa!
why u bee checkinin ma proff???
ooo i see... ill be joinin soon. heres a nutter link... The Awesome group!
it could use somore interlocking and merging but aesthetics do not come first. It all comes down to the gameplay. and the gameplay is amazing! ill...
i loved the first one. and this ones even better! a sure dl from me cause i loved the first one!
lol it looks like the death star! i also reely lik da idea. it is intersetining. ill dl
yo pimps fo life! The nuggy nuggy nut poppas!
ya! i bee strattinin a cllubzzzz!