Bridges look fine in my opinion. He shouldn't care what players like, I honestly could care less about being on a linear path. What's important...
I agree, map looks great I will put it on my list of remakes to try this weekend. I don't know what that other guy is talking about, soft kill...
That looks like a great remake. However the floating in are thing just doesn't work. I suggest using a lot of rocks and making some kind of large...
Yeah Gravity zones would be cool. I think if Bungie made a space invasion mode where spartans started out in a small space station, took off in...
All these are good ideas...a desert canyon would be great. Bungie had multi-player space combat in the game, but they cut it :( Forge could work...
I agree a city, and a sandbox remake are good ideas.
Whasup everybody? I'm new at forge hub, but I check out the website every now and then. I am an avid map maker in any game, and have growing...