Wow... Anyway I did this awhile ago for a map. Water...that's all you need, then with proper lighting, and a well placed soft kill boundary, it...
NOt to burst a bubble. However I've never cared about all. Rank has nothing to do with skill. I demolish most skilled players in any...
Double post please delete this one!
I know that there are a lot of fun Roleplaying, RPG's, and other crazy game modes out there that people play in Halo Reach, and Halo 3. Besides...
My favorite maps in Reach are: -SwordBase -Countdown (closest thing to lockout) -ForgeWorld(for forging) -Reflection I like them all, but these...
1. I read everything except the 2nd page. Not a big deal, most of the comments were the saying the same thing. 2.This isn't about...
Ok, I skipped about half the comments... Here's what I have to say...keep in mind I am a level designer...not nonprofessional, and not just in...
This is cool Stopex...but I suggest that you make another version of this same map but delete all the obstacles. Then you have a challenging one,...
This is an astounding remake, one it might just be the best. :D
I have 2 paintball maps now, still havent made CTF gaem varient though. Anyway, I will make night time paintball maps, or night time versions of...
Actually I switched from laser tag to remaking my paintball game mode from Halo 3, I now have PaintBall, PaintBall Soft (easier), PaintBall CTF,...
Im working on my own lazer tag map, and Mine has a lot less stunt ramps then yours, mine's more.....square, but its still has a...
Sure, you can if you want, not sure if I am gonna make paint-ball, or laser tag first though :D
Looks awesome... I was making a laser tag game-mode to actually. I hope you wouldn't feel as though you were copied. I only play my game-modes...
That looks cool reminds me of something Im working on.
It looks nice... However it's not perfectly symmetrical, but all maps aren't. It's hard to get it just right. Anyway, my only problem that I can...
ITS SOOOooo fat! It's kind of cute, like when you see pictures of fat animals with big eyes haha!! I guess this is a luxury AT-AT :D good work...
You can do it at the EXACTLY perfect height...EXACTLY! PERFECT! HAha...but seriously.
That looks very good. However it's a bit too big...from what I can tell by the be a CTF, or Assault game. The map looks very...
At all of my school, this is called sharks, or seaweed monsters or whatever...cross the ocean is most common. Usually, the tagged people have to...