Hello, May I ask where you got your banner from?
I really like this map. I think its a perfect slayer map with enough cove to hide and play like any other bungiemap. I do dislike the killball. I...
I like the looks of the center and buildings and I really like the path on the crypt wall. but I was wondering some things. the spot high in the...
Opinion I think this is a sweet looking map and has a download from me :). I like the way its symmetrical because for me making a map symmetrical...
Its my first. Now I know how to interlock im working on a new map but probs will continue during weekends :)
You mean if I put walls on the floor and save and put more walls its uneven? Anyway I put the whole centerfloor at once not sure about the bases...
Yes im way to mature to feel bad about his responds anyway. I just hope not all new memebrs get welcomed like that on their first maps.
The mancannon brings you to the flagspot.
Since its an open area I put the bubble shield there for cover. The hammer is there because there are spawns outside the bases for how long the...
Your beeing negative without even trying the map. If you try it then atleast you know how the mancannons work. I made the map for CTF and with...
Hello, Decibel is the first map I made. I made it before I found out you can do things like interlocking and geomerging. The map is made in the...
I tried again I got it within 30 sec talking about a sigh moment :(
Spartan Laser and a Hill?
No hes green jut look at all his pictures :O
Meet me This is my first screenshot I made because I was bored and just saw a video of someone makeing screenshots. I decided to make on my self.I...
Okay sorry had to wait a long long time for my pictures to upload and clicked away. Tried again and done in 30 ec (Very sigh moment). Anyways I...
I went to halochart site to upload my screenshots from my gamertag. After 1 hour and 34 minutes its still not done searching. Instead of the can...
Once my younger brother is done with playing Bad Company I will post my sweethearts. Killtecular in SWAT Killtrocity in SWAT (Second account...
I use 10 I first completed campaign on 3 then did it again on a new harddisk on 7 both on normal. Then when I decided to go legendary for...
I tried to put a slayerspawncircle there but found out I need to make a floor first :P Tomorrow I think Ill continue maybe add a floor for a idea...