its kind of old it just a turrentless wraith easy to make
nice screenshot. i like how the color and explosion happened. good job
most of the pictures are way to bright. try making some a little less brighter
i like the second one due to the close up and explosion or whatever that is making the light behind well i still like it
to bright. i can barley see what you are trying to make.
i like the second one a little better because of the cool space backround. i thought you were under water at first.
no pic? please fix it.
nice. i like the effect how did you make it?
wow. thats one angry brute lol.
i dont get what is suppose to be happening. please explain?
good farther expierence in sandbox making it way bigger than maps and hiding in the shadows. taking the skull lol. this would be great.
i like the dinosoar. it actully looks great. couldve been better if interlocked or other dinosoars were added
nice minibot. i like the design
nice looks symetrical good for 4v4. i like the design
seriously why make a poll like that even if its not up to standards?
nice i can actully see sandbox instead of ti being dark most of the time.
nice explosiong effects i like all the colors
that effect is over done so its kind of hard to see. try fising it
ok i uploaded it to the site just send me a messege on forgehub and ill give it to you
good finally an infinate money sandbox map. i wonder what ideas ths will bring