awesome it kind of looks lke a visorak from bionicle lolz
i love call in back up becuase it looks like something exploded
nice backround effect. im guessing u used orbital for frigid
awesome i like it
this ramp is huge. you should post the highest and farthest youve ever gotten
nice new version of grifball. i like your new idea of how its made
nice this is the first sandbox scarab ive seen. good job
lol it does work.
nice explosion effect on hs back. what did you use?
cool. how did you do that brute shot? it looks mirrored
nice. looks heat seakered
lol. these things always make me laugh lol
ok umm??? all you really did is add some little green square????
i like the second one the best. it looked like master chief was behind all of that
he looks evil witht hat heart green.
i love when that happenes. owned by the bubble shield lol
lol even though i see that many times it stil makes me laugh every time.
wow nice. it looks the place was bombed.
i like the backround and the shine on the helmet. i dont see anything do special about the flame
nice! i like how you used that item on sandbox to make the helmet have a shine and looks like an explosion