I just finished forging sanskrit v2 and I will be releasing it sometime Sunday probably at night. All I have to do is test the map a little more...
After a couple of weeks have gone by I have seen many new members with under 100 posts that have like three bars of rep and I have never seen them...
[IMG] Hey as some of my friends on xbl may have noticed I have been playing guitar hero 3 lately. I borowed it from my friend Friday and I have...
Hey I decided to attempt to make pics of me on halo using power drainers, flairs and trip mines. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Tonight I watched "bones" its a show I watch every wednesday. And the episode was about someone being murdered by a dog. The dog is perfectly...
[IMG] As all of you know, I love avatar the last airbender. Actually most of you know me as the "Avatar Guy". I created this thread to find...
Hey, I was messing around on cortana, on campaign and found the 14th skull. Yes YOu probably have found this before, but if you havnt here it is....
For the upcoming 2v2 faceoff I would like to have a team avatar sig to put in my signatar because I guess I want to support my team. Text: Team...
Tonight I actually got my first killionaire on grifball, which is a social playlist. I just wanted to post it, to show I guess that its...
Hello this is a gallery to show all my sigs I guess I could make you a signature if you request one. Text: Theme: Border: Specific Colors:...
Last night when I posted my map it was five stars with two votes. I get on today and its three stars with three votes which basically means...
Could someone turn this picture into a signature for me. [IMG] You can crop it if you want Text: eguitarplaya33 Quote: Never Give Up Design:...
[IMG][IMG] (click banner to download map) Created By: eguitarplaya33 Supported Gametypes: Survive v2 ( use only this gametype ) Map Description...
Inverted Gravity Created by eguitarplaya33 Supported Gametypes: Use Survive Game Varient Only! Map Description Alpha zombie spawns on the top...
Enclosed 1 on 1 Created by Eguitarplaya33 Supported Gametypes: Slayer ( 1 on 1 ) Map Description This map is specifically made for 1 on 1...
This is by far the luckiest stick ive seen on lone wolves ( against me that is ) BTW It ended my Open Season.[IMG]
Double Check Created by eguitarplaya33 Supported Gametypes: Slayer Territories King of The Hill Map Description This is my first Map post on...