Worth a Dl I like Close combat maps.
I like the grafix to make it look spooky
Looks all good I don't see any problems so 5/5.
Umm... your gonna need a new xbox it happened to me
This wasn't fun at all when I tried it out...
Thx for the feedback.
Doesn't look so good. Because foundation is a square not a circle and no rooms.
Reminds me of boarding action nice job on the map you got my DL. No one seems to like my maps :(
Kid your an idiot, grow up really...
Looks good I'll Dl. I like racing in the air alot.
Maybe some pics.. and a link to the map.
I'm not really that good at that geo merging stuff.
The boxes are supposed to be like mountains and hills... And I ran out of money, I should have used that money glitch.
Bloody CanyonV2 Created by TheRevXa7xX Supported Gametypes: Supports all gametypes but VIP. Map Description For those who did not try Bloody...
Looks pretty amazing
Looks kinda open
Just make it on avalanche and call it V2 and make it wider. Then we'll see about the DLs.
Looks very nice. Like the whole mountain idea.
Needs some pics. Follow kronos001 steps.
Looks good I don't see why he gave you a 3.5/5 I would give it at least a 4 because it looks nicely done so great job.