Thanks for the lead. Albeit this isn't the worst issue to have as the map experiencing this issue doesn't look bad with the forge lighting. Mainly...
I have been working on a Forge map using the Breakout Arena canvas and recently after adding lighting and the camera intro sequence the map fails...
I began H5 Forge attempting to create BTB maps in order to get used to the feel of "how big can I go" mentality. My first map was too ambitious...
Okay, I'm glad to hear the larger scale battles are fun! I approached evaluating the map through a 4v4 perspective so my comments and critique is...
Comments I This map feels like a H:CE map in terms of design process with its limited routes and use of teleporters to alter map flow. Power...
I'll try and use an easy to read format as there is a lot I can say about this map from someone who is a big fan of multi-team Foundation, and as...
I'll try to be brief for the sake of readability, but if you want further explanations or have other questions for me let me know. Also, no I do...
Cool! Construct is an awesome map and your recreation looks like it is loyally recreating the original. Too bad there isn't a Flamethrower to...
When merging some objects, like the Vehicle Bridges (Object Menu > Structures > Bridges > Vehicles), bumps in the collision appear where objects...
The Halo 2 recreation of Hang En High was called "Tombstone" I think to play on the idea that a fictional character was hung then buried. If you...
Hello and welcome! I've been working on a map inspired by Halo: CE's Infinity and have run into a challenge that you may face recreating Boarding...
As Doju requested, I'll try buddhacrane's format to briefly express my thoughts on Forge after ~4 hours of hands on time. The Good Controls are...
I've been watching your videos and have been enjoying the series. The topics are thoughtful and varied covering more philosophical and technical...
Has the allotted number of traditionally limited Forge items been increased? For example, has the number of teleporters we can place on a map been...
Thanks for the reply, and sorry for my late one! Yeah I tried playing with it for awhile and ended up making a trigger zone in order to get the...
Hey all, I'm having issues getting objects in my map to reveal themselves during Incursion when certain points are being attacked. I have followed...
Someone is always remaking this because some people who played Ocarina of Time spent more time then they needed to Hookshotting/Longshotting...
That's what I feared, oh well. Worse comes to worse I could always implement multi-CTF only objects to block certain paths or just leave it...
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to have the location to where a flag spawns and return to different from where the team would...
Nice work and attention to detail! I like how you did the ring of smoke over Death Mountain.