Its very true, saw some gameplay looks like Boneyard!
This getting annoying, I had all my maps deleted off the website so I could do massive updates and they seemed pretty popular but now I notice a...
That's awesome and all but you guys should check out youtube more often, the most information will be there. My suggestion is look up Halo 4...
OMG... this map caught my attention when I saw the name, at first I just wanted to stay away but now that I see it I now can say, "Go The......
Another great map by Laser X7 yet my response is that i'm angry. I put a lof of effort into making good ship maps but mine are all epic fails....
Interesting Bridge styled map and I like how its big team battle and uses that large cliff in the back of the Gluch but I was wondering about the...
Ok man, this map is really well done and gets my attention. #1 though, you use to many premade buildings, if you were to add more of walls and...
Ok, I like this map. It does have a lot of good and interesting symmetry. It reminds me of somewhat of a china garden without the effect and the...
Agreed, this map does however seem to fit most of the big team battle and team sniper areas on XBL but I still have a feeling that the map could...
Cool idea, the thing through about it was that it did not flow as well as in Super smash bros brawl. I suggest that you put one way shields facing...
Oh boy, this is getting extremely competitive and complicated. I first got a look at Pride last week, I then see a bunch of maps from the END GAME...
I have to give it too ya, this map is probably one of the best forged maps I have seen yet on here. The map takes the cake compared to a member...
Cool map, it looks comepetitive but it looks more asthetic or casual than competitive. Good looks, can't believe no one commented but me yet. I...
I got to give it to you, this is got to be one of the best maps I've ever seen. There is barely anything I have to comment on except the fact that...
Awesome Map..., its interesting with all the dark surroundings. and nice asthetics, reminds me alot of the Halo Reach Campaign. Through the place...
Forging Updates needed Bungie has let go its claims on Halo so 343 better have got something new in Forge for us soon. When we look at the map in...
Awesome map I like this ship a lot and I've seen a lot of other good ones too. Anyhow, the ship hangar is too open if this ship was for real this...
Looks awesome and the map looks really fun but there is a small suggestion for the asthetics as its seems to look that you want the map to be a...
This map looks awesome and all but there are some draw backs, the destroyed Scorpion in the back of the map isn't a good addition to the map as...
Awesome Map, the place seems to use a lot of Slayer style type of gameplay then other gametypes. Everything is great though I noticed that there...