Hey long time no see Forge Hub! I've been away playing MW3 and I'll say there have been some pretty good maps popping up across here lately. This...
who me? Umm... ok then... Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details this is the REFUGEE map that I have worked on for 5 months though it might...
"First Strike!" Finally someone has truly used Ridgeline as a canvas map for invasion. Good work on the design and all I like the map with...
Ok not to be a troll but I feel slightly offended about the design of this map. 1. I am partly asian specifically chinese. 2. I revisited the...
I meet all standards and would like to forge with people, anything works but my mics. broken and I only play on weekends due to my homework load....
MAP NAME: Refugee PICTURES: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] (These pictures are out of date since August, please let that be noted) I have worked on...
Definietly Vague but when I meant ideas, I meant specifically forge backstories and such. Ex. A city map or a mining facility. Anyway I map try to...
Anyone got any good suggestions for a BTB map or Invasion? I would like to try to work on some so if you got ideas and to share them, be my guest....
Now lets not get ahead of ourselves you say your not a fan of FX thats ok, you have several options to work with: - you take your map and keep it...
Ok good point and really though this map does feel somewhat bland if I were you I would add some effects and asthetics like rocks with a sort of...
Good looks but and the desigs and elements used do give off a true halo map feel but much too much of that effect used by many of a small arena. I...
Ok just got back and I like the changes but I thought it might look a bit cooler if you added a satellite antenna along with the middle changes....
Good work man, I don't see why your having so much problems with posts probably they thought the Kill Ball was scary anyway so I just like to say...
good looking map, sick detail, a one-of-a-kind invasion gametype, and one god-damn falcon on such a small map that fits perfectly. What else can...
Final Elegy by xAudienceofone Violaceous by Marcass2021 Renova by MickRaider I am running for more popular currents!
Ah memories... this map is reminds me of the 3rd pokemon game I ever bought, Pokemon Silver yet like many people these days I hate it but just...
dude... awesome pictures just as good as the ones you have ecomplished from before and I like it a lot but there are some things I want to clear...
Oh boy first Exo-politics city, now a double sized BTB map spanning most of Forge World. In the map in general the Red bases and Blue Bases by...
I like this map, the asthetic cranes look good, you made the place look neat but unfinished, check. Ok for the record this is an awesome invasion...
Good map but I thought you could use some suggestions for the 2nd edition, the falcon in the back of the ship isn't very supportive looking as in...