Ok, this is working, up until step 8, It disappears, but after I change the runtime to max, the other doesn't spawn and it doesn't get ghost merged.
I have made sure of this, trust me, Ive tried all the steps, even on other maps, and it wont work. ughhh
I've done it correctly, HOWEVER, when I finish dumbing them, I am unable to move 1 object with another. the only thing is, is I know ive done it...
Hey, so I'm having problems with Ghost merging. I am able to press the "up" on the d-pad, while pressing "A", for both objects, I have set 1...
This is what I need, but I watched the video and WTF, I dont understand lol
Are there any guides on geomerging tin cups? (The Golf Flag things with Grass) In need to know a way. thanks for any help provided.
Hey, so I have recently just joined Forge Hub, only about a week ago or so and just NOW discovered this thread :P - I joined Forge Hub to share...
Thanks Recon, but the reason why I created 2 different maps to download is so people can chose which lighting they prefer to play on. If I just...
Hehe, IF only that were so simple. :( But thanks to everyone so far with the positive/suggestive feedback, really do appreciate it.
V-CLICK TO DOWNLOAD-V[IMG] Hey guys, so I have finally finished creating my 2nd map EVER on forge and am excited to share it with fellow...
Sorry I meant to say the "Recent Screenshots" on Bungie.net. And I am deleting them because I have no more room for more, and I need to take more...
I am able to remove shots from my gallery, but I don't have the option to remove them from my recent screen shots. I want to remove them because...
Sorry I am just overly desperate to get help on this issue as I have been trying to fix this for awhile and cant seem to figure it out. My bad.
So Ive already made a post about this, but thought Id make another 1 to get more replies. Basically the Re-spawn points/areas, ALL of the...
I'm mainly concerned about blue team spawning with red team at the start of the game, vis-versa, but I'm assuming that probably wont happen....
... I'm still having problems. I changed the Starting Points around and am still spawning on opposite sides. Anyone know what to do? :(...
Ok, so me being the only person in the game, does that affect the spawning in any way?
Yes I am the only person in the game - Maybe thats my problem, but I didn't think it would be at 1st. I guess my main issue is in the start of...
This beings up another question - Do attackers stand for the color blue/ defenders for red, or does it matter? So you are suggesting to switch...