Oh i'm sorry you are to lazy, i forgot when that's my problem. ----------- Its a 1 minute video btw. You'd rather wait hours-days for him to come...
looks good
Hey what's up guys. Me and a friend just started up a new collab youtube channel for Halo 4, Minecraft, abd general gaming. Come check us out and...
Looking good. Cant wait to see more maps soon.
for sure botdf and bvb suck so much :D. Atreyu a few songs are goos. and attack attack.. only 1 song. i usually hate when people hate on bands. lol
Yeah but other than them i like most bands in the genre. Accept atreyu and attack attack.
eww the bunny the bear
Hmm. i never said they were the best. But they look good. You just need to work on balancing spawns. Alot of respawns are out in the open.:p
alright cool. umm do you want to take me through them in forge? kind of explain whats going on? i could give my opinions straight to you
Im down. sounds good. umm my GT is Brent12346. Send me a message and i can show you my maps so you can see how you like my style.
well halo4, i will remake a few of my best maps first. then start with new ideas and hopefully they have better items. like trees
im not much of a fan of Trials HD. But Trials Evolution is really good.
Im getting it. i like using xbox more than my laptop haha. so it wwill be better :D.
Oh halo songs haha. i thought it would be all music
Brand new forger? Cool. Ive been forging for a while. If you want opinions on your maps, or tips and stuff for forge, add me on XBL and message me...
Hmm. although i am getting my own channel here soon, i might have a few maps that wuld go on there
i like it. i hope to see more soon
Ant the solution to that my friend, is a little thing called rotation snap. Witch im sure you are familiar with ahaha