Feedback acquired from this post and various other resources have birthed v2 of Outskirts! Changelog and new dl link in OP Nick - 5/2/11
run jump gravity
Classic movement settings are 120 125 150 Use those for best results
Gotcha, well I dont think I will have a problem with it But there is one condition, you have to invite me and show me to play, or get me in on a...
So... you have to take the enemies banshee back to your base?
I.. suppose? Could you maybe iron out your idea a little bit, and give me a good pitch? But I'm definitely interested Edited by merge:...
The Hog told me to tell you, "The Hog will go where ever The Hog damn well pleases to go" ;p The Hog in Reach being so vulnerable to pretty much...
My apologies, manned vehicles can indeed pass through them. Im sorry for throwing your comments away so quickly. I have experience with driving...
[First reaction] I think your underestimating how incredibly ugly that would look [Serious answer] You cant drive vehicles through capture...
Well if you have the ability to reference specifics I will be more than willing to take your feedback under consideration if anything is poorly...
It was my pleasure to help, I only hope that everyone else will love this map as much as I do. Its my opinion that in a sea of many, this...
Well I think you might be confused in terms of scale because the other Turf remakes out there, Turf Lagoon, and Gamefreaks Turf were both made...
Thank you, Ill have to make a thread for it aswell. Maybe later tonight, glad you enjoyed it though
well.. doesnt really seem to be any compliments in there... but, thank you?
Thanks for backing me up lol. Yeah I felt the Scarab area was a bit of a cluster fu#k before, I wanted to keep it clean while sticking with the...
wow sorry had no idea the link was broken, oops guys fixed it! Thanks for all the feedback though! I know the doors is a bit of a hot topic, but...
*Turf is Back!* Outskirts is a remake of one of mine and everyones favorite maps from Halo 2, Turf. Turf is such a great map for objective and...
This map turned out fantastic, Im sure anyone who helped is also very happy with the way it came out ;)
Map Update again -Updated for classic settings *Classic Version available (Halo 2 vehicle set) *Custom Powerup removed *Overshield in the...
3/6/2011 oops download link was reset back to old version when editing OP, Everything should be current and link sends to new version in File...