long ago, 2 spartan groups were left behind to guard this facility. they were friendly until they split into 2 groups, red, and blue. it's up to...
LMAO! its your bad connection dude, its working fine.
i use 5 sometimes (snipers because it takes a while to turn around completely lol. but otherwise 3.
i dont thinks so dude, sorry.
1 v 100? never heard of it, what is it?
Halo 1 is a fricking suicidal game, you die so much.
No one knows, for sure, but god exists, somewhere.
is it your first track, because if it is, it beats mine by a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shot.
Where do you start? and i give it a 9/10 EDIT: nevermind it looked like a foot race track lol :P
that deserves a spot in BF (bungies favorites)
it really deserves to be faetured, and bungies fav too!
are they, because they have same type of forum, (sub forums, sorry) and pretty much look the same?!
FTW this map is.
have you seen the mancannon trick? its quite uncommon but, it does help.
lol your computer needs more ram, better grafics, hell, just buy one at the goodwill.
wow... so many things to remember!
okay... that thread was really for the original maps, and weapon holders can blow up... ayway, thanks.
How do they make these amazing works of art?!
all i can say is WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
jesus christ! i got a fricking infraction for saying amazing to a Better-than-original **** zombie map! WTF?!