haha yah i didn't realize that until after i drew the coconuts that they had expressions and for the second one i definitely got a little...
Just got my tablet and decided to draw a little. These are my first two drawings with it. Amateur at best. [IMG] [IMG]
:)) thanks everyone
im 15, just got used to modeling in 3ds max when my trial ran out. I obviously cant spend the 1500 on max 2010 so anyone kno where i can get a...
Ok so im a 37 soldier in Borderlands and im freakin addicted to the game. GT - FritoBandito7 So far i have only found three Eridian(alien)...
hey guys im really interested in creating games and i love making multiplayer maps. ATM i use the KillingFloor unreal editor 2.0 Because i(and the...
maybe something flowing of the girls hand?
I dont know if im saying this right cus im not used to criticizing stuff but i like the depth in your sig but those circuler lines in the...
This is a piece i did tonight in about 5 hours. Its the first piece ive done that i can call my own. CnC please [IMG] I think it has a little...
eh a trinity is three so its talking about the three teleporters and did u find the fly trap yet? if so i can tell you
Ok so you all probably know about the new **** Zombie map Der Riese, but within this map there are many secrets. While ooking around the...
ok i have fixed it i believe
thnx im working on a new version now. I just watched a few tutorials an acquired some new skills for a v.2!
ok [IMG] so this is my second attempt at a sig. Nothin special just light lines. Im building my skills
thanks for the support and ill take into account what you said
Its my very FIRST sig and i lack a tablet. Tell me what you think of this peice of **** sig lol and sorry about the blur. [IMG]
agreed. Even when bungie discontinues halo and working on the series we will probably get games. I really hope that they come out with a decent...
I know this may have been discussed many times before and was a large rumor going around but i could not find a thread that wasnt necroed about...
Hey im new to graphics and the use of tablets. I am a really amateur photoshop user but am extremely interested in becoming a graphic artist. I...
ha i play... im using a 10 day trial for now but i used to have a NE druid on Dark Iron ill be reactivating my old account soon 10 day free trail...