"It takes a minimum of 18 months to 2 years to turn out a trained Soldier, Airman, Sailor, or Marine". And thus the point of said draft? they dont...
A stupid thread? I dont think so. Especially if i heard the draft news from a friend whos in the military. :) yes. i hope this doesnt go down. But...
Ive been hearing recently that the military is thinking of holding a new draft in light of the rebirth of the Korean Conflict. Now if you think...
to answer xWooden Leafx. yes. as long as move your thumbstick around you can move freely around. its like ice. if you go fast enough in one...
aha yes thats quite fine! be sure to keep me updated! i want to see how others impliment it into maps. :) all the best. - FB7
D Money! Everyone this is Dmoney. The co-creator. and indeed. im still waiting to get a game together for more pics and yes! a video would be...
Haha anytime man i hope you enjoy the map! feel free to adjust the gametype however you feel would be more balanced/ fun just make sure to give me...
haha yeah well i just posted my map Phlow! Its a pretty different use of this concept but yes! i would love to collaborate on a map pack and...
Nope. all wrong. What happens with one way doors is, one side sucks you through, the other repels you. So i took advantage of this concept and...
well i consider it a minigame due to the fact that it uses a map that is game specific. yes it uses slayer but the gameplay style and map itself...
Alright so this is my map Phlow, with its corresponding game type Invert. The idea of the one way door used at a gravitational device came to me...
DAMNIT! FACKER STOLE MY IDEA! well im glad someone thought like minded. this was the firstthing i did in forge mines quite a different gamestyle...
So its been a while since ive last logged into this website, but recent events have once again, re interested me in the potential that forge...
Well i was reading an article on CNN just a few minutes ago and something about this caught my eye. I know many of you will criticize me for my...
oh whyz thank you
yah probably because i never went through with background art. i thought the elite di enough
Probably the most decent art i have done in a while [IMG]
Haha i know that theres already stuff like that but we were thinking sumthin more liike a d-day assault. Thats the one thing that most games are...
me and my friends were discuss and assault mode + map for MW2 so i came up with this. [IMG]
nother sumthin i threw together... [IMG]