Alright, I think that part of the map seems good now. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I still need to straighten the map up, maybe add an...
I agree with the no honor rules. For one, it is a just a rule, rules are broken all the time. I highly doubt people will listen anyways and two,...
I would really really suggest plasma pistols. The problem is the overcharge, because that ruins the shields. Hmmm... maybe like you said, high...
I would go with either maulers or plasma pistols, because smgs are too far ranged so zombies wouldn't even try to melee. It would work somewhat...
That's actually what I did before in my map and it worked out pretty well but there was definetly foom for improvement. So for the random spawn,...
I don't really think that the gravity lift will be a problem on many maps. For one, if the map is made in the skybubble, the only place survivors...
Hello again everyone. My internet is back up and so is Live! Glad to be back in the forgehub community. So far, I've had no luck in creating...
Hey guys it's been a while. Sorry, but I have an unfortunate announncement. I will not be on forgehub in the next few days or even possibly...
This map has some cool ideas to it, but don't you think it seems a little plain? Most of the bases are small and I just think it should have a...
This looks like a fine map here. The bases are balanced, the weapon placement seems fair to me, good aesthetics (love that one golden hallway),...
First off, don't take pictures in forge mode. Then I would also suggest making this much smoother, for example, the arches. I mean seriously....
Great to see that its 90% done forging wise. Please post more pictures, even if they are just more teasers. I really want to see how this map...
I can't fix the cardboard boxes, they just stay shiny if in the elevator, but it still works fine. As for the mongeese, I was thinking maybe only...
Sure, why not.
Alright. I'll accept whenever I get on
Hmmm, I've thought about that. Originals can look really good, but won't stand out in eyes of public, or if they do, then they don't recognize it...
If you notice, the prowler makes the biggest explosion, banshee second. And this has been in other maps like Avalanche as well. I know, because...
This looks pretty good so far, can't wait for the finale product. As for me, I'm trying to decide between an original map or the Drains from...
Actually yes, I have been thinking about making 1 of 2 maps next. Either an original remake or a remake of the Drains from Death Toll. The...
Well to start making this better, first post some pictures from Here is a link to help you make put this up to standards:...