Please add more to your post, right now it's spam. And it's supposed to be a bit empty because it forces you to rely on your long range weapons...
Yea the bases are kinda bland, I will definately fix it if I make a V2. I'll probably add a grav lift in the little gap between the wall and the...
See, I told you they would like it. Thanks though, it took 2 trys to get it right, but the middle structure turned out pretty good. And how do I...
I will consider your suggestion, I already have ideas on how to spice the bases up a bit.
Pact Map made by Mearm and Parune. 4-12 players. Use with any gametype. This map is quite different from the other maps I have made. This map...
I don't have many objects left, and I've reached the maximum number of objects I can place, but any suggestions on what I could do to improve?
There are only 8 total fusion coils on the map, and they are meant to be used for more than just the ghost. I can see what you mean by the ground...
The sniper is in an open box, you can see the box if you look carefully in the 4th pic, but it is in the center structure. As for the...
District Map made my Mearm. 4-12 players. Use with any gametype. District is my latest map, and probably one of my better made ones. For certain,...
I remember looking at this map in forge, and my absolute favorite part of the map was the stairs and bridges in the 3rd pic. The ghost isn't...
Great interlocking and layout, but can you list the traits for the zombies and humans in the mode? Otherwise a great map, decent cover in the...
It needs a description, but based off of the pictures, I think that a rocket launcher and a flamethrower is too much for such a small map, not to...
Very nicely made. The bases look complex, and they look nice from the outside. I like the arcs near the bases as well, it gives the map a tall,...
I really like how you can fight around the hand, and not just on it. It makes the map not only aesthetic, but competitive as well. A great map to...
Looks nice, good interlocking and geomerging. Why are there 2 snipers though? Although default foundry had 2 snipers as well. Hmm. I suggest...
Not bad, I like how you made the structures tall. It make the map seem more imposing. I won't comment on the interlocking, as I honestly don't...
There are no tunnels, just 2 halves of the underground. The pictures show pretty much all of the underground, and there is an entrance to the...
The map is too high up to escape, you'd hit the invisible barrier on the ceiling.
The map is too high up to jump out of, you'd hit the invisible barrier for the ceiling. As for the walls, I'd have to use at least one more wall...
Convection Map made by Mearm. 2-10 players. Use with any gametype. Convection is my most recent map, and it took me around a month to complete...