Do you have awesome gaming skills? If so, then you may be interested in the Universal Gaming League. I created the Universal Gaming League on...
I have created the ultimate infection map, it is called Zombie Survival. This map is the perfect map for 16 player infection. While I,...
Here is a video I recorded a few days ago. It is of me playing Halo 3 on Xbox Live, the map was Valhalla. I got like 29 kills, or something like...
I received a 30 day Xbox Live Gold membership for my Xbox 360 from someone as a gift, but it won't let me play Halo 3. It says it gave me 30 days...
SWAT 3 I was playing online (it was a coop game) and we were pinned down by the suspects. Me and several other members of my team took cover...
You can vote for what video game is the best video game of the year 2009. I'm not trying to bash you into voting or anything, but please vote for...
That this game doesn't have multiplayer, is this true? It says on the box "Xbox 360 Live" on the Xbox 360 game case, so I assumed it would have...
In the science fiction TV series, Babylon 5, why do they change (adding, removing, adding again, and removing again) the main characters every few...
I was Forging and I opened the gates on "Last Resort", and I can't close them again. When I save this, will the gates always be open in actual...
If you make a Forge map and save it, can you play that map with friends in a custom game on like slayer, team slayer, infection, etc.?
Anyone here have Dead or Alive Xtreme 2?
Does anyone have an unused Xbox Live Gold 48 hour free trial code that they would be willing to part with? If so, please e-mail it to me. Thank...
I just listened to the entire Halo 3: ODST soundtrack (all 20 songs) on YouTube, has anyone else done the same? You can listen to the entire...
PC Advantages Over Console * PC lasts forever, unlike consoles which usually die when their successor comes out. This also means that the games...
"You have exceeded the daily limit for topics posted in a single 24 hour period. Please try again tomorrow." I got that message yesterday...
Anyone else notice how some of the songs in Halo 3: ODST sounds like the music in the 2006 movie of the year, Casino Royale?
How can I get a video that I saved in the Halo 3 theater on my PC, so I can upload it on YouTube and/or other websites? It should be noted that I...
Will we ever see a Forerunner? Do you think we will ever see a Forerunner in a Halo game and/or movie? I mean other than the monitors and...
When will Halo 3 be released for the PC? Halo: Combat Evolved was released for the PC, and they tried to release Halo 2 for the PC (but they only...
I was playing Halo 3 for the Xbox 360, solo campaign on legendary. The level was "Walk it Off", and there were two Covenant grunts a few feet in...