this map looks great,soon, ill DL soon. then i will tell everyone how good it plays... okay i just got back from playing it and rocks! weapon...
that is some sweet stuff there!
what, i do?
oh thats cool, you should check out a show called Magical Pokaan or Magipoka they're the same show just different names
I beleive this map is better than the last you posted. I like the tables there grrreat! sword and a turret is not what I'd expext at a front conor...
Wow, I would have to agree with you this map is bad. It doesnt look like its put together very well. Try again maybe get some help from the...
I have now read the rules. Yea me!
Really when were they sued? And not to sound disbelieving but where did you here this news?
..::I didn't really want to follow "The Five Step Program"but here i go::.. hello my user name and Gamertag are the same, mista tipsta, i came...
redeyes i got an acount its mista tipsta (austinr99)