this map looks great! i must down load this now!....i get the feeling i have seen this already or at least read the beginning
thank you, cause i was like "lalala-la *turns on 360*.. what the ef wheres my map!" so got back on here did a little looking and found the link...
hello i just tried to dowm laod it and the link sent me to Sub-Station B is it just me? if not please fix link =]
wow this map looks great im gonna down load it right now! an if this is your first map posting you did a great job, please continue posting more!
i think this map looks really nice. i like the look of the large hall ways (if one could call it that)for vehicals, by the looks of it i think one...
i have seen many of these "Left 4 Dead" remakes this seems not to be a better one. Its does seem a bit open. i do not sugest a "v2" just learn...
you can expect many maps from me but, it you opion that makes it "cool"..i'd rather say wicked or outrages...but thats just me
yeah this map looks decent looks like something i would get lost in ..i may download this map if i do i dont really think i would end up...
WOW! This must be one of the best featured maps I have seen in a long time, I cant wait to down load it!
when did you join Forge Hub? I've seen many maps by you must have a lot free time
yeah if you do defiantly let me know ..that will be great
this map is very cool indeed,original too! love the idea of this gonna have to some of your other maps, you did a great job here...
this map is simple but great i will defiantly down load this for sure! i would love to see your other maps!
first i feel i need to state that this map does not need "moar interloking" this map has plenty to go around,other than that this map does seems a...
and i don't really like any of the other ones all that much
oh that sucks
thanks for fixing link =] now i can see the differences !..then i can tell everyone again what i think... oh yeah now i got the V2 now that the...
since you outed me and put me in your sig, i think you should make me one of those special sigs hahaha... just kidding
Wow this map is ILL im going to DL this right now and play to see if its all show or if it can play! i have just down loaded this map and played...
hey you noticed my saying 3/5 or maybe a 6/10... and you put it in your sig i feel so spacial !