i got warned cause my friend made a second account on my pc and spammed the Best Of Forge pages
AssassinChao, i do have a slayer map for Guardain with some extra platforms in it, but i'm still testing it and all. Not too many of my friends...
Teh Guardian Okay well here is my first map post on Forge Hub. This is my pre-DLC infection map and I figured that I would go ahead and post it....
I think the place that's at the end of Shock Theta's video and the one that i had mentioned are the same...just fitted for more players. The...
I keep on feeling Bungie did give a photo of this "sandbox" in one of there accepted speeches for a gaming award... if i knew how to embedded it...
This map looks really fun. You had asked for advice on a possible second version, i think it might add more room to play if there was a second...
here you go... this my map
ah, thats super sweet!
wow when did you gets purple?!
I think we just found Forge hubs next great map. I like the looks of the object leaning to the side in the second picture. i would give it a 7/10...
you are a stranger to me, but i was wondering if i could use some epic win sauce
this looks really good, is it possible for the non-infected to jump onto the platform where the zombie is? oh yes and you may want to explain...
Wow! This maps looks really Boss! it has been queued for download! But there's no frags? That seems odd. EDIT: i DLed the map just now, and i...
Hello everyone I found this photo somewhere but, I cant remember where. It looks like a really good looking map... [IMG] If anyone could kindly...
Oh no, thats not what i meant. But thanks anyway. Now if only Forge Hub would update said sticky with maps that are downloadable to stop further...
What is a power canvas exactly?
Hello every one I need a little bit of help. See there was this time I had ever canvas map, then I deleted some of the cause I was like "Psh I'll...
I will be getting the Legendary Edition the day (or if has the night release) it comes out. For sure! Hopefully I wont be disappointed with the...
Hello everyone, I have been comeing to forge hub for some time now, im not sure when but i think I've been a member for about a month 1/2, maybe,...
Hello everyone, maybe nobody cares about my opinion but, I personally don't like the map all that much. It is better than anything i could make...