Oh I have one. With lighted beds. Edited by merge: Never thought about bathrooms. Maybe I can squeeze them in the crew quarters... Edited by...
A really good/simple frigate. The ones I've are good, but the inner areas make my head spin. I've begun to make my own due to the absence of one I...
Thank you sir. That article has caused a large change in my map. For the better... Edited by merge: I don't know about the enemy ship, as things...
What do you mean by docking/loading platform? I have a hanger if that's what you mean. Oh yeah I'll put a cafeteria in there and also a barracks.
...And I was wondering what kind of rooms it should have. So far I have an Armory, an observation room, a drop pod room, a meeting/planning room,...
I got inspiration from the old CE map called Timberland. I started out making it like in but then it just morphed into something new.
Actually I agree. The old Tempest looked kinda like death Island, which would've been awesome. Also, the old (snowy one) looked really good as well.
Walk Around Inside The Easter Egg Pelican!(Tutorial) Me and my friends were trying to find new things about the easter egg driving thing on New...
Oh I didn't know there was a thread on that. I'll go post it there too.
Walk Around Inside The Easter Egg Pelican!(Tutorial Inside)UPDATED Me and my friends were trying to find new things about the easter egg driving...