Hello everyone, I am a fairly old-ish member from times where forge hub was smaller (although still not that small), some of you may even remember...
Horrah it is finished, after two days of capturing and editing followed by a 2 day war with youtube's copyright rules we have the video up and...
Although LMS dun get much attention here due to the limited number of members that care, and or know about it, im still posting this for help. im...
YouTube- Last Man Standing Ep.2 - Drilling Bay By: Master Debaytes Episode 2 winner Master Debayter Map Drilling Bay congrats Send in your...
Last Man Standing is a brand new series built to feature your infection games. although the first episode has already broken 200 views, and many...
YouTube- Last Man Standing Ep.1 - LockDown By: Twilight Gnome First epsiode go to youtube for the links and what please comment
YouTube- Last Man Standing Video PROMO Get ready for the infection Forge hub
Just something i got together first of many, I'm ready for mean comments but good criticism would be good too. YouTube - Obi's Got Stuff Ep.1 :...
[IMG] Finall it has been completed! Survival on the Wasteland has far surpassed my expectations on enjoyability and is my biggest project to...
recently got into flash animation and ive gotten pretty good at it [IMG] MY SIG made it a while ago and seems kinda iffy but i think it works...
i found this to be the appropriate place to post this, its not a video, yet. i need anyone out there with a infection map they think is worth seen...
Hello hubbers, i am obibital from both forgehub and xforgery, and just recently Xlastmanstanding. lastmanstanding was a group recently made on...
Extinction Map Pack Version II [IMG] Hello once again fellow infection players. this is obibital and i have finally finished the second...
[IMG] Extinction I wounder if anyone has been thinking where ive been? well ive gotten a few ideas over the months but this one is the one game...
Important!!!! recently posted on youtube halo 3 forges released a new episode...... guess what they used 8 emerald legs! and once again the...
Jumping On The Rocks V2 [IMG] Finally it is here the second version of that loved mini-game Jumping on the rocks! this version is a basic remake...
why hello thar! i saw this post and decided to get known a little better, you may know my maps, Hurricane town V2, V3, And recently released V4....
The Posidome Created by Orbitalshot & Uncle Borat! Recommended Players: 2-4 Players Supported Game types: KOTH, Odd Ball, Face-Off Slayer,...
~~ Created By - De Wy El Ay En & Obibital ~~ Jumping On The Rocks [IMG] ... Is a mini-game that Unce Borat and I created on Valhalla....