Looks very good you've got my DL
You've got my download it looks awesome I really wanted an urban map but all my own attempts failed.
Oh okay thanks for the reply I've tested It over and over again and couldn't figure it out so I dont realy need the video then, thanks anyway....
Looks great man this map is a beauty.
I Have posted a video of the Original Gametype in Halo 3 to explain the gametype, I would like to render a video on this map but I dont have...
Thats odd never happend too me before I'll look into it Edit: I've checked it out and could't find the problem can you send me a Filmclip?
Looks very good I cant seem to find inspiration for Invasion maps I think this is great
Looks good I'll check it out
Sumo Revamp Here is a Halo 3 Gameplay Video of the original Gametpe for those who aren't familiar with the gametype (the Video Isn't mine I've...
Looks great I've played lava pit a couple I'll be sure to check it out
Thanks for the tip I'll change it soon
Yeah I did that because water was the main theme of the map I guess its just a hate it or love it thing I could change it but I think I'll wont...
Downloaded this looks like a great map bungie should seriously consider putting this into matchmaking keep up the good work
Wetworks This the second competitive Map I've made in Reach this one isn't based on anything I drew up the layout on paper last week and started...
Looks nice I love blackout (and Lockout) I'll try it out
I was looking for a remake of this map it looks good really accurate too
Looks nice mate I'm gonna check this out later