Just read the conversations in the BIOC group on Skype. Everything we discuss takes place over there. It might be a big read but you'll be updated...
I love the idea! Really original, the metaphore of bugs trying to prevent each other from getting to that lovely zapper so they can have it for...
I love the way you built most of your roofs. A lot of people go unoriginal-mode and just use Ramps, but you actually tried to be creative and make...
Thanks for the submissions guys! We'll make sure to check them out as soon as possible. :)
This is one of those occasions where it's better to focus on solid gameplay than on fitting the theme by means of the gametype and changing up...
Want to clear this up first: That's incorrect. You should not hurry on a map because it can do nothing but harm to it. Always make sure to work...
Perdition looks like an awesome map, even though the Rocket Hog will be useless. The monorail is awesome, a great little wink to Terminal from...
People on this forum have to learn how to use the no parse function sometime. Arion, here you go: Just use this to create a spoiler: [spoiler]
No, for the ones from Reach I would rather advice to use the Dominion Wire pieces. The Columns are way too massive, he'd have to make one huge...
The map looks good from the pictures, but I see so many ordnance drops and that is the exact reason why I haven't made a Linear map in Halo 4 yet....
Hey man, just checking, but are you still interested in hosting lobbies for BIOC? Forge Island is probably going to give us a boost in terms of...
There are barely any for the same reason as why there aren't many minigames in Halo 4: 343i put a lot of restraints to the gametypes as opposed to...
I love your usage of pieces for walls. The black looks really good and the coloring of the tunnel objects make a nice addition. The downside is...
Wow, very cool indeed. Hope some genious is going to find a way to make it work in other gametypes too, because that would be particularly...
Don't be too bothered with Redy. He's a little bit.... mainstream.
I think it would be possible but you'd have to make a really big one to get good looking curves.
Haha, great job! Clean forging, and a very original theme as well. It's also cool that you put a soft kill zone in the stomach of the Sarlacc,...
Welcome brother. Strange, in a good way, to see someone return after a couple of years.
How many people did you play with? That really influences the chances having of framerate issues on a map. And since this map is indeed built with...
If that were the case, we should probably change our signatures or we are overshooting the goal completely. ;) About the map: People may disagree...