Hey, I replied to your thread "Lair of the Jellyfish" with some important comments. Make sure to check it out over here, I'm sure you'll find it...
El Trocity and I tested it in my BIOC lobby today, we have some feedback for you! All in all, the map played awesome. We loved to see the theme...
Hey everyone, First off: I'm sorry if there was in some sort or another already a thread for this, but since I couldn't find anything related to...
I'll be on it, thanks for telling.
Send me a request, I believe I have room now :)
My English is simply not good enough to go into depth on my beliefs and thoughts on the matter, without me having to spend hours to translate...
Also, you are not allowed to nominate your own map.
Hey man, Congratulations on your 5 year membership at ForgeHub! That's a pretty cool highlight. :)
Next time please read the thread. He already did 3 of your 5 requests.
Cool map and I like the Ghost and all, but still... why the name? I mean, Icarus?
I'm not sure ForgeHub is going to tolerate this, but we'll find out sooner or later if they decide to lock or remove this thread. I guess this is...
I believe that's the source indeed. I've never had this problem again after I started reloading it every time I start up a Forge lobby, just to...
I had a cool one but I lost it. :(
Do I look like what you expected? :)
lol, I didn't know this is your map? I remember playing it lately, but I thought somebody else was leader, thus it was his map. Anyway, I...
Nice! Have you seen 8 O'Clock Reminiscence and Destitute in Chains yet? You'll like them!
Yeah, more people stated that. I'll try to fix it. For now, just quote the message and it should work.
Do it.
Looks like a smexy map. You pumping out all these competitive maps really makes me wonder if I shouldn't try it sometime too, if only I had more...
I tend to do a lot of the things previously mentioned, plus two more that I always try to go for when naming a map: 1) Name it in such a way that...