Me levitating... [IMG] This might be kind of a nit-picky complaint for an otherwise amazing map......but, there is a bit of a problem where the...
Are you sure this map is asymmetrical? Haven't downloaded it, but the pictures really do make it look pretty much exactly the same on both sides.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this map is the first remake to exist on the map that it's remaking. lol. Just one quick question: why...
Damn...these are the best Grifball maps I've ever seen. Ever consider making a chess map?
You could add what inspired the map or what the gameplay's like or something. I dunno just a though. Either way Ima download it.
This Kat statue is more accurate. lol, in all seriousness, this is a really good remake. The robot arm is amazing. The fact that she's part...
Good map bro. Really captured all the good parts of your inspiration :) One thing that I would change, though, is P3 (or where P3 was on Midship)....
Wow. This has really come a long way since v1. This project started out kinda rough, but now, I'd say that this is the best Cold Storage remake to...
Gameplay on this map (or these maps, I guess) doesn't seem like they'd be too good, but I'll get more into that after I play a few more games. But...
Wow...this is probably the funnest mini-game I've ever played on Halo. It makes Cat n Mouse look like ****! Props on the creative and awesome idea :D
Haven't tested this yet, but just looking at your settings, I have a list of things that will likely need changing. -The rocket launcher in...
Damnation Prisoner Lockout
I <3 pool (swimming and billiards)
Your symmetrical map is balanced? Wow. On a serious note, this map is very dull. It's very flat, very simple, and has a lot of completely open...
Awesome map is awesome. Kinda reminds me of Cold Storage if Cold Storage didn't suck. There are a couple long, narrow hallways that kinda break...
You have far too many long, narrow walkways. Not only can those be suicide for whomever decides to cross them, but it also leads to very...
It's a good map, but telling you that won't help anything now will for improvements, you should always avoid using crates and pillars as...
Watched the video. It's a good looking map that will certainly lead to some very cinematic moments. But the actual gameplay looked very dull. The...
Thank you, davis, for recreating my favorite Halo 3 map. It really is pixel perfect. One thing though, the yellow light looks kinda weird. I don't...
Wish it had more twists and turns. Short oval tracks can be kinda dull. Still, it's a very smooth, well flowing racetrack, so you have my props as...