This is quite the gem you have created here i have played a few games on this and just love the look of being inside a ship. Keep up the good forging.
I hope so and good to hear. I have throw around the idea to make one but I have so many maps on the back burner waiting to be finished. Thanks for...
Me and my friends love these maps. By chance have made any others since?
Great map but i have 2 gripes. Your post was the most annoying ive ever wanted to read because of the shape and the font. but whatever great map i...
this map looks sick. keep on forging man.
I have to say this map looks very impressive. i will get a game on this the next chance i get. keep up the good forging.
But I love all the activity your gametype has brought to my fileshare. You cannot take that away from me (quietly sob in corner).
Since I became the host of the Cawk Blawkin' Gametype it has gotten a total of 938 downloads. I'm glad to help spread this awesome minigame to...
it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for that thanks for the quick reply.
hey i put a sig request is your sig shop just givingyou you a heads up. link
I love the forerunner look you have going for this map and i cant wait for its release so i can tell you where my group of minions broke it.
yeah like i show in the description you do need 10 to 16 to make it really fun but we still have small skirmishes anyway because people love it so...
hey i played it but i have one problem that needs addressing. when you are with either team if you don't want the other team to score anything...
yep bottomless clip. of course and actually we tried cover but it wasent fun or as cool to watch. but you do need to do one thing to make the game...
actually because there is no honor rules and has a custom gametyp it is a minigame like grifball just a lot more fun and everyone who helped me...
Hello again and welcome to me finally releasing my minigame called DOOMWARS. this is a ferally simple all out struggle to blow each other up which...
I just finished the map portion and wanted to get peoples opinions about how it looks before i start puting spawns, weps, and objectives down. it...
yeah i agree that this was a fun and annoying contest but it really got my brain working. it was the first map ive created and released useing...
you could have mad a raised platform out of crates.