HOLY ****. Solo, those are some amazing symmetricals you have there. Personally I think Plex will end up better than Anomaly, mostly because the...
I am sorry, Conker, I really am. My initial assessment of Exhibition was way too harsh, partially because I felt that the map was way too similar...
Conker, I am going to ask you again: Was this map inspired by Tetradymite? The layout for the most part is exactly the same idea, except for the...
Conker, tell me honestly: Was Exhibition inspired by Tetradymite? Really, the Hand? Either way, the map is very good, and it shows that you have...
Interesting, I'll have to try that sometime, the 200% speed shotty snipes.
Yeah, I have already seen that. I am making something very epicsauce in its difficulty and its result. It may take me a while to finish because of...
Psst... It's probably Bl00D F1R3's secret map that he has been hyper paranoid about people seeing.... shhhhhhh.
Thanks, but I am nowhere near being able to finalize on a sketchup, so idk. I hope you can do the rest of the geomerges in the corners of the...
Very nice, Seth. I saw this as a Sketchup on the MLG forums, and I was somewhat baffled as to how it would turn out. My worries are assuaged,...
Alright folks, so last night while I was eating dinner, I was somehow inspired by the pasta I was eating to make a few new gametypes that have...
Oh, crap, lol. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Alright, so I recently began making my own sig for the forums when I stumbled upon a simple problem: I have no idea how to add text to my sig. I...
Where is the brute shot spawning, and where are you trying to delete it? If an object falls too much after it spawns, it cannot be touched in...
Actually, no. I may be doing the rest of the map with Hectic, but I don't know yet. The sunken structure is ALL MINE. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
Rofl. You asked if anyone was working on anything new, I answered. I'm most certainly not giving up, I'm just putting the picture up there to...
Could you perhaps give us an idea of the type of environments that we will need to create, or maybe any major aesthetics we need to add or create?
I'm working on a map that I inherited from Ace when it was in its infancy. I am currently working on an overall design for it that will...
IMHO this is way better than Excavation. Excavation has minimal interlocking, meaning there is much more opportunity for a grenade to get lost in...
Well, meltyourtv basically nailed an easy way to do it. The other way involved the use of a grav lift that spawns at a specific time, not on a...
Okay, I think I may be able to help you with the door that you want to make. First, I need to know how big your door is going to be. Afterwards, I...