Guys, if you're going to be using this technique, I cannot stress enough the importance of forging on local. Not only will this improve your dummy...
At what point were you in the process of ghost merging? Had you already dummied the objects and moved them off of their spawns? Had you carefully...
Contemplation 1v1 DOWNLOAD LINK ADDED. Here's a 1v1 that I've been working on for a few weeks. The general Idea was a somewhat...
No problem, man, I appreciate any help I can get. Have you had a chance to see the most recent Sketchup that I made in the Feedback thread? If you...
Insane, is this whole 'you design and we build' or 'we design, you revise, and we build' thing going on with Donii still going to happen? I know...
Nedz moar ocd. Seriously, I really like the design that have so far. I already expressed all of my concerns about the map to you, so hopefully...
Wait, wha-? I'm intrigued as to how the map appears to be like Wizard in the eyes of some. Wizard is an inverse-symmetric map, right? This sucker...
Silly Ace, the wood bridge part isn't finished yet! Anyway, I won't really be able to work on this puppy for a while because of school starting,...
Somebody doesn't know the mechanics of light. *tsk tsk* Maybe if this woman had paid attention in physics class instead of making conspiracies...
To all whom may dare watch this: Give all of your comments, good or bad. I want to be able to refine the gameplay of this map a whole lot and make...
I personally am not a religious person, but when there is a conflict, compromise. Has anyone perhaps considered that God/Allah/Adonai/Brahma could...
Welcome back, I hope the rest of your trip was awesome! I look forward to having some time to talk with you, and I've been mulling a few ideas...
Squidhands, allow me to try to clarify what Dow is trying to say, but that he hasn't been able to put across to you. Dow's major concern, I...
Ace, I'm telling you, the one bridge nedz moar alignment. That aside, very nice map. The only problem that I have with the map are the spawns on...
It is, but the chances of accomplishing the desired outcome are very slim. Essentially, You have to teardrop merge the node, or you have to...
Alrighty, the .skp can be downloaded from the Feedback Thread.
Cool, no problem :P
Sorry if I missed your invite at all, I just returned from eating lunch and forgot to mention that I would be away for a little bit.
Send a steam friend request to splicelink000 once you're all set and ready.
Alright, at the recent request of some of the other designers and forgers both here and on the MLG site, I am uploading the .skp file for Rebirth....