Hectic, here's yours. I know it took me a while, but I think I've reached a reasonable design. Here's the download link Pics: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Lol, I've been working on your design, silly!
I'm sorry, man. I haven't had time to get moar XBL card. When I do, I'll be back with an ever-Forging vengeance.
Sure, go ahead. The thread is meant for feedback solely on design, so what if you want to make the map in a medium other than Forge. I actually...
I dun know guy. I knida just went liek dis: *poof*
Well, my Sketchup just asploded, so I don't think I'll be able to get you the design until later. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll be able to...
Nein Frau. I have to finish Contemplation, which could take God knows how long (depends on use of ghost merging). Then, I have to make a design...
The way you have those curves set up is very conducive to flow, in my opinion. It seems that they generate that Midship/Chromatic flow and will...
Position your camera where you want it. Go to File>Export>2D Graphic. Take however many you want. Then, upload to Forgehub and embed the links....
If you didn't catch that, post your Sketchup/sketch!!!!!!
Show meh teh...NAOW!
Download link is up if you want to provide legit feedback. Legit feedback is legit.
There is now a download link so you can take a peek around. Almost all of the floor will be accessible.
Um, sure. Just let me get a good design so it's actually worth building. Might take a week or two.
Forge Forum, one of the top stickies.
Ace, will you take a look at my 1v1 Sketchup, pwease? *Puts on cure three-headed puppeh faic.*
Guy, check out the Sketchup thread and give meh teh feebaks.
So we have a three-way tie between local, invite-only, and LAN, hmm.......... Perhaps it ultimately is an individual system and connection...
Interesting, we'll have to do a lot of tests and trials to see which of these is correct. I have a feeling it is a matter of individual...
First, spawn the object that you want to dummy. In the case of ghost merging, which I assume you are trying to do, spawn both objects. Now, your...