i love TSFP, awsome game and the map maker was the best ive ever seen in a console game. even to this day.
nice map, its nice to see someone else who spends allot of time working on remakes.
ok allot of people wanted to see more pictures so i went out and got a couple more =], enjoy.
my bad, sorry guys just i woke up =] i put the link at the bottom of the post and il go take some more pictures later and beef up the post a bit...
Midship [IMG] I've spent roughly 40 hours making this map, its been extreemly difficult to remake it with the limitations of all the objects in...
nice, im also making a beaver creek remake. though you might want to make it corner to corner instead of side to side (meaning the bases will be...
Bungie split from Microsoft, Microsoft owns Halo 3's IP and everything. Its almost as Bungie has no control but they have a little control. Their...
nice one for stealing onslaught, if you take someones map you have to atleast give them credit even if you edit it. also i dont like how you say...
its a nice map but it definatly shouldnt be played against a good team, that middle base pretty much overlooks the whole map except their spawn...
very nice map, but i think 2 rockets are a bit much.
very neat, only problem is there is little or no cover on each side and the spawns are wide open. A spawnkillers wet dream right here. nicely made...
thanks =]
il do that tomorow because im free all day tomorow, il also finish up my Midship remake. also guys i need people to test the Midship remake with...
thanks dude =D
yea i thought about it, but the thing is a wraith would tear appart anyone who was defending its just too strong. thanks =]
lol yea that was the point, i wanted them to seem like rocks thanks =], im thinking about making a section of the wall out of crates. Then il...
Thanks for the support guys =] thanks, il be spending allot of time on it tomorow. i got pretty pissed at it because i done about an hour or...
aesthetically it looks great :D, but im a bit worried gameplay wise. a good asymetric map imo is one that a player doesnt care what team he is on...
yea i know the map your talking about, but the problem is that if i wanted to do that id have to make the main wall higher (atleast 2 boxes tall)...
sorry about the screens :S il fix them asap and to the above poster you wont find this on anyone elses fileshare and if you do i can show you the...