dont you get into **** for stealing peoples maps without giving credit? most of this map is blatantly taken from MLG Amp, just wish this iliterate...
i can see how it would be funny, but it wouldnt work agaisnt good people. ive had people try this on me but i can safely say that i know all or...
i dont know how, i go to my sig and edit the size then save. but it stays the same size.
dude thats ****ing scary my 4th console broke 2 DAYS ago, i only bought the 360 in november (21 months ago) and its gona be out of my hands for 5...
ive made a pretty good midship remake that took me about 40 hours. heres a pic, if you want to check it out il put a link next to it. Link to...
k im getting a new 360 in 7-10 days, wat maps compound. ive only played TSFP, i havent touched the other 2. im going to work on designing some of...
just what ever the starting weapons are never have them both set to random, theres nothing more annoying than spawning with an plasma rifle and P...
dont you ever say **** like that about midship again :@ to compare it to epitaph makes me want to be sick. XD
il def do this when i get my 360 back, as long as its FFA Slayer il play for hours. a good idea is to have... Time : unlimated starting weapon :...
just general FFA, i liked the idea of 3 levels but nearly all of the 3 level maps ive seen are barely interlocked.
i would just drop two overshields ontop of each other and then make them insta spawn, stand on top of them and hey your invincible =]. i dont see...
if you look at his screens he has allot of pictures of modded maps, hees probably a modder.
nice layout, my only problem with this map is that A and B tower are too strong with those corner walls protecting most of their body.
nice, my only tidbit with this map is that theres not much stuff outside the Pyramid.
nice, been thinking of doing a complete remake of Ivory tower.
finally finished my midship remake after weeks of working on it. the one on your list is very old since i dont think they knew how to interlock...
my 360 broke this morning, 5th time too and they expect me to pay £65($110) to repair the defective piece of crap :P. once i get the thing fixed...
the bungie favs have been disgustingly terrible lately, it seems theres just some random map finding generator and they pick the first ones that...
voted =] well up to 320 ish now.
i love foundry, but if this is as good as i think it is i might just make maps instead of actually playing the dam game.