Because it isnt in the middle it IS assymetric. Putting bumps into the floor doesnt make the surfaces look pretty, and for a map thats based...
ive played every single remake on FH and this is definatly better than anyother Foundation remake, the others are hardly interlocked or just dont...
MLG is a tournament, tournaments are there to test players/teams skill not to test how much fun everyone can have. with the weapon pallet they use...
chances are youl always be able to get on top, but if its THAT map braking then i would make it impossible. so far all im thinking is that if its...
awesome, il hold you to the whole best remake ever thing. ive seen some good ones (they could be better dont get me wrong) but im really OCD about...
thanks :), yea theres allot of foundation maps and theres one or two that are pretty good so you've got allot of competition to work with :) hope...
Updated with more pictures, im about 25-30 hours in now. if your wondering why its taken me so long to do that its because i make a layout before...
i remember when i first started playing Halo 3 that i tried screwing with the settings to remake Halo 1=p, didnt work out too well because Halo 3...
very nice comic :P, this is probably the best Ship that ive seen im just wondering how big and well made it is on the inside. also how many...
looks interesting, havent played a map in space before :P. di heard you could glitch outside of the map but i havnt seen it yet but il definatly...
very nice, aesthetically the map looks great and i like how the map looks like it has its own theme. definatly going to download.
nice =], nice to see someone else who spends allot of time on a remake. (not having a go at the people that dont) i sent you a FR if thats ok...
yeah tell me about it, dont worry about the cover the map will be an exact replica of Sanctuary. But hopefully il have enough pieces to wall off...
he was just trying to help guys.. but it would have been allot better if he didnt sound like the shamwow guy as he was doing it.
Been working on this for the past 3 weeks and i havnt been working on it much lately, just want to put up some pictures because i could use some...
yeah, but i dont mind working on something hard that takes a few hours (like a geo or something) while your offline. im on quite allot, most days...
yea pretty much, il end up doing most of the work since i forge more than i actually play Halo =]
ok well ive been searching for allot of remakes, and there quite good (especially the Lockout one) but mostly people only spend an hour or two...
My GT is oX Arson Xo, i sent the playtesting GT a request but i sometimes play on other games (Cod4/5, Halo wars etc) even if im not on halo dont...
sorry guys the link must have died after bungie updated its fileshare system. anyway fixed the link now enjoy =]