YouTube - Spartan Exposé
If you wanted to add it to the guide, you could perhaps also mention that objects are perfectly straight when you first spawn them from the X...
Well here's a teaser pic. ;) : Halo 3 File Details
It's probably like 10% done construction-wise. XD Maps take me a long time because I'm such a damn perfectionist. I disgust me. Haha. It will have...
Magnetite wins. Hematite sounds like hemoglobin, which is the molecule in blood, which has a negative connotation because blood is usually looked...
I have a quick question for you, if you don't mind. Suppose I were to consider submitting a Youtube video to the news feed. How exactly...
I need to talk to you. I remember either you or someone else from the "super cute females" group having an avatar of a pretty cute scene chick,...
Elephant Larry: Minesweeper - The Movie - CollegeHumor Video
Tha HC? on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Haha sweet! :D Anyway, when I submit a video do I have to embed it in the news story or simply send a link? I'm not entirely sure of how to embed...
Should I submit it to the Bungie blog?
Sarge! Accept the stripper I got you and gives me Reconz!!! YouTube - Spartan Exposé
I got you a stripper, Sarge! I can haz reconz?!?! YouTube - Spartan Exposé
Aqua and Ghost are the best IMO.
I've narrowed down my initial batch of 11 screenshots taken for this weekend's contest thingymabob to 6. I need you guys to tell me which one is...