Y u no lovez mai narrator skillz?!
You know what's REALLY fun? Being the shoutbox's narrator. It's loltastic.
Here are some spoilarz: [spoiler]
I just saw a thread in the Bnet group Forge Cafe with a list. I'm assuming it's true though, as most of the maps listed are of high caliber....
'Grats on getting Conduction into MM for the Bungie Day playlist! It totally deserved it. :D
Neva trust a ho
I <3 you so much, Buddha: "The tricycle. When they see me rollin' they all like "Oh Snap, it's a tricycle! That thing is hawt!" and then in...
Happy motherfucking birthday, motherfucker. You should buy one of those "cake" shits and eat that motherfucker right up. Ooh, yeah, almost forgot....
That's called a Red Light. ;D
I'm going to hit the main layout types that are seen in Halo maps: Atrium style, Suspended Network Style (Guardian/Blackout), Natural Style...
I am doing no such thing. :O Must be a bug or something.
Did you see my picture explanation in the shoutbox?
It's a map. And your sig says DGAF, which would mean DOES Give a ****. Thanks for giving one here. <3
What do you think of this so far? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/76310-guide-map-layouts-design-work-progress.html
I wake in the middle of the night, body dripping with cold sweat. My mind is racing. It's racing down a path that it hasn't traveled in a long...
I added Suspended Network Layouts, which are your standard Lockout/Guardian type designs. Tell me what you think.