But zomg liek gawd sed ther r 2 be no gray rightz cuz grayz r bad and teh deveeel & stuf
Racism I tell ye! Racism!
Hey teckster, would you mind checking out my map Vice and giving me some feedback? It's the first map I've made in many months and I'd like a...
Oh hai my fellow Epic Pic amigo. Would you mind commenting on my recently-posted map, Vice? Thanks! -Debo (aka the guy who edited the crazy video...
Comments pl0x? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79569-vice.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79707-undulation.html
Comments pl0x? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79569-vice.html
Comments pl0x? It's been waaaaay updated since you last played it. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79569-vice.html
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79569-vice.html You shall read and comment, yes? XD
Hey Ivory, would you mind checking out my latest map? I finally made a Sandbox asymm in the crypt titled Vice, and with you being the god of...
Haha I'll be sure to eat it right up. As awkward as that sounds. :P
Thanks Peg! I really appreciate it, and I definitely look forward to your feedback. :)
Hey I just recently posted my map Vice in Competitive Maps and I'd appreciate it if you gave it a look! I'm trying to get it into matchmaking via...
I posted Vice in competitive maps & would appreciate your feedback if you're willing to give any! :D
Almost every piece on the map is interlocked, for your information. The only pieces that aren't are the ones that would cause gameplay to suffer...
I fix't the weapon layout of Vice last night. From what people have said, it's FAR more intuitive than it was previously. There's a thread up for...
First of all, thanks for the feedback on Vice! After Saturday's test night (and my realization that most weapons weren't being used) I redid the...
It's American slang for having forgotten. When I say I spaced something, it would just mean that I had totally forgotten it and just now realized...
HOLY **** I TOTALLY SPACED THE CHEEZ-ITS **** **** **** When next I remember, expect a deliciously non-nutritious parcel in your mail two...
Haha there will be plenty more parties in the coming days. Should we get another one together (and if you're in it) I'd be happy to help you test...
Hey thanks for helping us test the maps tonight! Even though you totally dominated me on my own map... XD Your help was appreciated!